Adhere to optimize management, improve efficiency, to provide customers with high-quality, cost-effective products and services
The team will also ensure the sharing of optimal management practices and "best in class" approaches from Headquarters to the field.
35. 外部资源中有相当部分是以债务形式提供的,如何优化管理债务提出了重大政策问题。
A substantial portion of external resources are in the form of debt, whose optimal management raises major policy issues.
In the production and supply chain maintenance, allocation of financial resources, human resources deployment, to optimize the management.
When implemented, these changes will bring additional and specific skills into the Ministry, enabling it to optimize the management of its existing portfolios and to meet its expanding commitments.
近年来,已经实现了现代化的总部紧急服务 112 塞维利亚和哈恩,优化管理,提高公民的安全. Vitelsa SE...
In recent years there have been modernized Emergency service headquarters 112 Seville and Jaen to optimize management and improve the security of citizens. Vitelsa is...
Customers will also see advantages from the introduction of lean, effective processes with regard to stock keeping and logistics thereby reducing delivery times and optimizing management.
Entry time and location are all very important as well as continued optimized management; this is a core skill for Fosun.
The fast locating of coils, the optimal management of the material flow and a clear reduction of search times not only create high efficiency but also more motivation among the employees involved.
运行更快速 可靠的正常运行时间和后台进程的优化管理对于任何企业级设备都是至关重要的。
Get Things Done Faster Reliable uptime and optimized management of background processes are critical for any enterprise-grade device.
Draw up the business plan, follow up the business conditions of the Branch, and make suggestions on deepening reform and optimizing management.
多功能的综合式餐饮POS管理系统, 全面配合餐饮企业各项运作模式, 协助业界优化管理及提升业务效率。
A multi-functional and integrated food & beverage system that fits for various operation models of catering industry, helps optimize management and improves business efficiency.
First:optimize the technical standard, Second:optimize the production process, Third:optimize the operating skills, Forth:optimize the management
The whole life optimal management of the physical assets of an organization to maximize value covers things such as construction, commissioning, operations, maintenance and decommissioning/replacement of plant, equipment and facilities.
This window management software offers a wide range of utilities for optimal management of message pop-ups and window positioning, including controls over which display dialog boxes and message boxes appear, and how windows are maximized.
该组织在2008年制作了一个全面的手册,详细介绍了森林恢复和优化管理的最佳实践,并分发给巴西各地的咖啡种植者、大学和研究中心。 相关内容
In 2008, the organization created a comprehensive manual detailing best practices for recovery and optimal management of the forest, and distributed it to coffee growers, universities and research centers throughout the country.